Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry


The Youth Ministry exists as a ministry of the church in her endeavor to make kingdom disciples (Matt. 28:19), providing opportunities for ministry and fellowship for the young people in our midst. Our objective is to help young Christians to think biblically—to build a Christian worldview—and encourage them to live out that knowledge in the world. We are seeking to be distinctly reformed in our approach to youth ministry—that is, we are dedicated to the ordinary means of grace, i.e., prayer, Bible study, as the God-ordained means of spiritual formation. That does not mean we do not participate in fun activities together. It simply means that our first order of business is getting into the Word of God that we may be equipped to uplift the Name of Christ in every area of life.

We strive to be family friendly. As with our Children’s Ministry, the Youth Ministry is simply one more way that we as a church can fulfill our vows that we take at a covenant child’s baptism. We do not seek to supplant the role of parents in the spiritual formation of their children. We are here to come alongside parents as they raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord by providing them with resources and opportunities. 

The youth group meets on Wednesday night.  

Join us for our junior and senior high classes at 9:30 on Sunday mornings.

For more information on our youth ministry call the church
office at (817) 598-1277 or see Jim Gilchrist.